The resources listed in this section are useful for the following courses offered by the Economics and Finance Department at Buffalo State:

  • ECO 104 History of Economic Development in the Third World

  • ECO 400 International Finance

  • ECO 401 International Economics

  • ECO 403 Comparative Economic Systems

  • ECO 404 Economic Development


A large collection of Web resources, organized according to the subject matter in H. Stephen Garner's textbook,Comparative Economic Systems, 2nd Edition, 1998

Alternative Information and Development Centre An alternative information center doing research, education and training, as well as campaigning and lobbying on the macro issues affecting the development process in South Africa

Food for All "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations"

Library of Congress Country Studies 101 countries and regions (notable omissions include Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations, as well as a number of African nations) written and researched by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress.

Penn World Tables The Penn World Table displays a set of national accounts economic time series covering many countries. Its expenditure entries are denominated in a common set of prices in a common currency so that real quantity comparisons can be made, both between countries and over time. It also provides information about relative prices within and between countries, as well as demographic data and capital stock estimates.

Overseas Development Institute ODI is Britain's leading independent think-tank on international development and humanitarian issues.

United Nations The U.N. homepage.

World Bank Founded in 1944, the World Bank Group consists of five closely associated institutions: the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD); International Development Association (IDA), International Finance Corporation (IFC); Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA); and the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID).


Global Issues That Affect Everyone. This website looks into global issues such as trade, poverty and globalization, human rights, geopolitics and the environment. Analysis with over 3,000 links to external articles, reports, data and websites.

Library of Congress Country Studies. Over 100 countries and regions (notable omissions include Canada, France, the United Kingdom, and other Western nations, as well as a number of African nations) written and researched by the Federal Research Division of the Library of Congress. 

Penn World Tables The Penn World Table displays a set of national accounts economic time series covering many countries. Its expenditure entries are denominated in a common set of prices in a common currency so that real quantity comparisons can be made, both between countries and over time. It also provides information about relative prices within and between countries, as well as demographic data and capital stock estimates.

United Nations The U.N. homepage.


Africa South of the Sahara Extensive links categorized by country and topic, maintained by Karen Fung for the Electronic Technology Group, African Studies Association, U.S.

African Studies Center at the University of Pennsylvania The website of an interdisciplinary program that offers undergraduate students an opportunity to explore the historic and cultural diversity of sub-Saharan African peoples. Extensive research links including pages on each African country, and other information on African Studies.

Congo Vision Congo Vision is an independent site to help inform and transform the Congo by scientific knowledge and let the world know everything Congolese.

Index on Africa Maintained by the Norwegian Council for Africa. See also their main page for current news on Africa from multiple sources, including from African sources.

Office of the UN Special Advisor on Africa Extensive resources on economic development, human rights and peace throughout Africa.


European State Finance Database An International Project concerned with the collection of the sources and data of European Fiscal History and their interpretation, funded in 1989-90 by the British Academy and in 1990-93 by the Economic and Social Research Council


Library of Congress Handbook on Latin American Studies A multidisciplinary bibliography on Latin America consisting of works selected and annotated by scholars. Edited by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress.


The IMF, founded in 1946, is an international organization of 182 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries under adequate safeguards to help ease balance of payments adjustment.

European Union

European Central Bank The central bank for the European Monetary Union manages the soon to be launched single currence, the Euro.

InFocus Briefs and Resources on a large range of international issues

International Monetary Fund The IMF, founded in 1946, is an international organization of 182 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange arrangements; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries under adequate safeguards to help ease balance of payments adjustment.

Institute for International Econmics a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of international economic policy.

International Law A valuable site maintained by the Cornell University School of Law.

Lex Mercatoria A detailed, on-line resource on international trade and commercial law

Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development Country and international data, economic news and analysis

Penn World Tables The Penn World Table displays a set of national accounts economic time series covering many countries. Its expenditure entries are denominated in a common set of prices in a common currency so that real quantity comparisons can be made, both between countries and over time. It also provides information about relative prices within and between countries, as well as demographic data and capital stock estimates.

United Nations

World Bank Tremendous source of information on Less Developed Countries

World Trade Organisation