The Economics and Finance Internship Program is designed to complement and enhance the department's classroom-based academic programs. Students not only gain "practical" experience related to their academic study, they also apply what has been learned in the classroom. This enables students to deepen their understanding and develop their own thinking and critical faculties.

A student can apply three credits of internship credit during his/her major. Generally, no internship credit will be granted to a student for his/her current job.

To apply for an internship, contact the Economics and Finance internship coordinator, Ted Byrley

What You'll Learn

  • Gain practical experience with on-the-job learning

  • Explore potential career opportunities

  • Clarify personal goals in education, career, and life

  • Apply theories, concepts, and knowledge

  • Enhance career development opportunities

  • Improve oral and written communication skills

  • Exercise and extend problem-solving skills.

  • Develop leadership skills.


  • Work a minimum of 135 hours at the internship placement site during the semester.

  • Keep a daily log of internship activities.

  • Complete weekly time sheets.

  • Attend required meetings throughout the semester. Throughout the semester, group intern meetings will be scheduled. Attendance is mandatory, and you are expected to alter your schedule to attend.

  • Prepare an internship portfolio.

The Internship Portfolio is an integral part of the internship program, and will include the following:

  • Title Page: Student name, organization or office name and address, supervisor's name and title, his/her telephone number, date/semester, and duration of internship experience.
  • Section I, Organization Background: An overview of organization history, mission, and activities. (2 pages)
  • Section II, Internship Experience: Describe in detail your internship work assignments and their rationale (One page)
  • Section III, Internship Paper: Write an essay relating your internship experience to some aspect of economics and/or finance. (5 pages)
  • Section IV, Self-evaluation: Write a one-paragraph evaluation of your own performance and learning during the internship.
  • Section V, Internship Evaluation: Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of interning with this organization. (One paragraph)
  • Section VI, Supervisor's Evaluation: Departmental student evaluation form for internship supervisors.
  • Section VII, Log of Internship Activities: Maintain a daily log of internship activities, duties, and tasks that were performed, along with the specific dates and times you worked.
  • Section VIII, Time Sheets: Include original time sheets, verified and signed by your internship supervisor.
  • Merrill Lynch 
  • City of Buffalo
  • Morgan Stanley
  • AG Edwards Inc.
  • Raymond James Financial Services
  • M&T Bank
  • MSBC
  • Robshar and Julian Associates
  • Internal Revenue Service